
CODE Past Projects

The Council of Ontario Directors of Education on its own and in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Education has completed a number of projects focused on specific educational initiatives that are of interest to our membership.

The historical projects archived on this web site and are listed below. Each listing provides a short introduction and a link to the project.

Ontario Directors Of Education Look At Innovation 2016

Ontario has moved to provision of a new education meeting the needs of a complex society and assisted by various forms of technology. The government has provided extensive grants to district school boards to enhance technology equipment and software. Special funding to supervisory officers and school officials has improved their awareness and their application of technology..

Go to the project page.

CODE Special Education Leadership Project

The CODE Special Education Leadership Project provides provincial, regional and district leadership to support the transformation of special education programs and services.

Go to the project page.

Papers and Reports

The Council of Ontario Directors of Education is pleased to provide a collection of papers and reports that are of interest to our membership.

Go to the Papers & Reports page.

Professional Learning

In today's fast paced learning environment, superintendents and directors must update skills constantly and keep abreast of best ways of handling the many facets of senior leadership.

As well as taking care of personal growth and development, supervisory officers are involved regularly in providing programs for their education staffs in the schools and at the system level.

Go to the Professional Learning page.

Leadership for Learning Academy

The Leadership for Learning Academy is developed in partnership with OCSOA, OPSOA and AGEFO and is intended to provide Ontario Directors and Superintendents with an opportunity to engage in an inquiry based professional learning experience that focus' on system - wide innovation and technology enabled practice.

Go to the Leadership for Learning Academy page.

Essential for Some, Good for All

Leading for All: a research report of the development, design, implementation and impact of Ontario's "Essential for Some, Good for All" initiative was prepared by Andy Hargreaves, Henry Braun and a research team from Boston College. Ten Ontario school boards and the CODE Special Education Leadership team partnered with Boston College in the preparation of this research report.

Download the Executive Summary or the full Report in PDF format.

CODE Chronicles

We are pleased to share with you our on line edition of "CODE Chronicles"!

"CODE Chronicles" enables you to read about and share responses to the ongoing stories of our collective success in improving conditions for learning for students with special needs throughout Ontario.

More Information

CODE Special Education Webinars

The CODE Special Education Project Team provided a series of webinars designed to
share and create knowledge of promising practices developed by school boards.

The webinars are available for your use. Slides and other resources are also available.


CODE Special Education Project 2005-2006
Executive Summary

This report is a comprehensive look at a very large initiative in assisting improvement in student achievement. CODE appreciates the efforts of all who have been involved in this initiative and applauds the Ontario Ministry of Education for funding this very worthwhile project.
The outcomes are positive; the work is on-going.

Download in PDF Format


Projet d'éducation de l'enfance en difficulté du CODE 2005 - 2006

Ce rapport est un aperçu d'ordre général d'un très grand projet visant l'amélioration des résultats des élèves.
Le CODE apprécie les efforts de tous les intervenants et félicite le ministère de l'Education d'avoir appuyé financièrement ce projet d'envergure.
Les résultats sont positifs; le travail se poursuit.

Télécharger au format PDF

CODE Special Education Project 2006-2007 - Summary of Projects

Please note the summary of the CODE Special Education Projects completed in 2006-2007.
These charts provide a brief description of each project and identify contacts.
You will find this a useful reference in your planning.

06-07 Special Ed. Projects 1 (MS Word format). (English)

06-07 Special Ed. Projects 2 (MS Excel format). (English)

ITP Elementary Guide Books

English Language Elementary Guide Book in PDF format.


French Language Elementary Guide Book in PDF format.



ITP Elementary Improvement Plan

English Language Sample Elementary Improvement Plan in PDF format.



ITP Secondary Guide Books

English Language Secondary Guide Book in PDF format.


French Language Secondary Guide Book in PDF format.




English Language Sample Elementary Improvement Plan in PDF format.



Teacher Performance Appraisal Training

On behalf of the Ministry of Education, CODE organized the training of Principals and Vice-Principals for the Performance Appraisal of Teachers. Training sessions were organized throughout the province.

More Information

JK-Grade 1 Assessment and Intervention Project

You'll find online editions, downloadable files, examples of evidence, and an invitation to send us your thoughts and comments.

More Information


Projet d'évaluation et d'intervention de la maternelle à la 1re année

Vous y trouverez des versions en ligne, des fichiers téléchargeables, des exemples de données probantes ainsi qu'une invitation à nous faire part de votre opinion et de vos commentaires.

Plus d'information

Urban Aboriginal Education Pilot Project

The CODE Urban Aboriginal Education Pilot Project was funded by the Ontario Ministry of Education and started in November 2007 with a pilot project to help develop three urban Aboriginal education models for First Nation, Métis and Inuit student/family/community engagement in urban settings with varying geographical and demographic factors.

Along with more inormation about the background and goals of the project you'll find downloadable files of research, progress reports, evaluation reports and resources from the pilot projects.

More Information

Individual Education Plans (IEP) Samples

Resources to Support the Development and Implementation of Effective IEPs in Ontario.


Exemples de plans d'enseignement individualisés (PEI)

Ressources pour appuyer l'élaboration et la mise en oeuvre de PEI efficaces en Ontario


Connections for Students

Supporting Children and Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Connections for Students is centred on multidisciplinary, student-specific and school based transition teams that are established approximately six months before a child prepares to leave intensive behavioural intervention (IBI) services delivered through the Ministry of Children and Youth Services (MCYS) Autism Intervention Program (AIP) and starts or continues in publicly funded school. The transition team continues to support the student for at least six months after leaving the AIP and entering or continuing in school.


Ressources pour le programme

Aider les enfants et les jeunes atteints de troubles du spectre autistique (TSA)

Le modèle Connexions pour les élèves s'articule autour d'équipes de transition multidisciplinaires, centrées sur les élèves et oeuvrant dans les écoles. Ces équipes sont formées environ six mois avant qu'un enfant ne fasse la transition des services d'Intervention comportementale intensive (ICI) offerts dans le cadre du Programme d'intervention en autisme (PIA) et à la classe ordinaire.
