NewspaperCODE Chronicles - Les chroniques du CODE
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Latest Issue

Issue 10, June 2011

With contributions from the CODE Team, Bluewater District School Board, Christopher R. Bugaj, Peterborough Victoria, Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board, FrontRow Canada, HP Canada.


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From the Editors

It is with great pleasure that we bring you this, our ninth edition, of CODE Chronicles. Our focus in this issue is on Children's Mental Health and we present to you a collection of articles that focuses on activities and programs that are currently under way in Ontario schools.

Children's Mental Health Ontario states on its website: "One in 5 of children and youth under the age of 19 in Ontario has a mental health problem. This means that at any given time, almost 20% of students in an 'average' classroom will be dealing with some type of mental health problem – making it difficult for them to learn, or behave appropriately. Children whose mental health problems are left untreated may be disruptive in class or bully other students. Even more serious, poor grades and dropping out are both strongly associated with mental health problems."

Given this hard reality, and given the inclusive environment in many school districts, it is important that we all continue to share and collaborate on strategies and policies that support learning for all in our schools. We hope that you find this edition helpful in that regard! As always, we welcome and encourage your continued dialogue on topics and articles published in CODE Chronicles. Please feel free to contact the authors of individual submissions or the editors with your comments and observations.


Brian Finnigan
Nancy Tully-Peever

All content © Council of Ontario Directors of Education