If you require more information or would like to comment on any aspect
of these webinars please contact:
Where possible resources are provided in
PDF format.
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is available.
The CODE Special Education Leadership Team prepared a series of webinars as part of their commitment to extend the ongoing professional development for leaders in Special Education. With the assistance of Peter Levesque (Knowledge Mobilization Network) and Curriculum Services Canada four webinars were held between Sept. 2008 and January 2009. The webinars were taped and are now available for your use. Leaders in Special Education are invited to access these links and continue the conversation that will enhance our learnings and mobilize the knowledge that will improve student achievement and build staff capacity.
View descriptions of Previous Webinars
View Webinar 1 - "Systems Thinking"
View Webinar 2 - "Recruiting: R/evolution in Linking Knowledge and Practice"
View Webinar 3 - "Towards an Education for All Community of Practice"
View Webinar 4 - "Adaptability, Leadership, and Ongoing Dialogue"
Participants of the CODE webinars #1, 2, and 3 have requested copies of the slides presented in each session. They are now available for downloading and printing. CODE is grateful to Peter Levesque for the prepartion of these slides and to Curriculum Services Canada for their assistance in making them available for our use. A full audio copy of the webinar will be posted on this website soon.
Slides in PDF: Webinar 1, Webinar 2, Webinar 3, Webinar 4
Les participants et les participantes des webinaires # 1,2 et 3 du CODE ont demandé des exemplaires des diapositives de la présentation de chaque session. Ils sont maintenant disponibles pour le téléchargement et l'impression. Le CODE est reconnaissant à Peter Levesque pour la préparation de ces diapositives ainsi que Le services des programmes d'étude du Canada pour leur aide en les rendant disponibles pour notre usage. Une copie intégrale de la présentation audio de ces webinaires sera disponible au site web bientôt.
Slides in PDF: Webinar 1, Webinar 2, Webinar 3
The PDF document of the Parent Engagement folders released at the CODE Education for All Leadership Summit are now available for downloading and printing. School Boards are invited to download and print these documents for there own use.
Le dossier sur le cadre de l'engagement parental lancé lors du Sommet au leadership CODE: l'Éducation pour tous est maintenant disponible pour le téléchargement et l'impression d'exemplaires additionnels. Les conseils scolaires sont invités à imprimer ce dossier pour son usage personnel.