Papers & Reports
The Council of Ontario Directors of Education is pleased to provide a collection of papers and reports that are of interest to our membership.
CODE Advisories
A Series of Helpful Monographs Developed by the Council of Ontario Directors of Education. The Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE) is an advisory and consultative organization composed of the CEOs of each of the 72 District School Boards in Ontario; Public, Catholic and French Language.
From a letter of introduction by Frank Kelly, Executive Director of CODE:
"As an association, the Council of Ontario Directors of Education provides support services to its members. This includes sharing of best practices and practical information to enhance job performance. All leaders in education look to best practices. There is always value in knowing how someone else has performed a task or solved an issue."
Parent Engagement Tool Kit
Parent Engagement is Important to Student Success.
These materials have been developed by the Council of Ontario Directors of Education and funded by the Ontario Ministry of Education. These documents are provided for your information and use and may be downloaded without infringing on copyright.
L'engagement des parents s'avère important pour la réussite des élèves.
Ressources et soutien pour le développement et la mise en œuvre du PEI en Ontario.
Ce matériel a été conçu et préparé par le Conseil ontarien des directeurs de l'éducation et financé par le Ministère de l'Éducation de l'Ontario.
Schools and Our Environment: School Board Directors Stand Up for the Environment
August 29, 2007 - Public, Catholic and French Language school districts across Ontario are joining together to establish common policies, standards and practices for environmental education and to reduce the ecological impact of school system operations.
The English language press release is available in PDF format.
CODE Special Education Project 2005-2006
Executive Summary
This report is a comprehensive look at a very large initiative in assisting improvement in student achievement. CODE appreciates the efforts of all who have been involved in this initiative and applauds the Ontario Ministry of Education for funding this very worthwhile project.
The outcomes are positive; the work is on-going.
Projet d'éducation de l'enfance en difficulté du CODE 2005 - 2006
Ce rapport est un aperçu d'ordre général d'un très grand projet visant l'amélioration des résultats des élèves.
Le CODE apprécie les efforts de tous les intervenants et félicite le ministère de l'Education d'avoir appuyé financièrement ce projet d'envergure.
Les résultats sont positifs; le travail se poursuit.
CODE Special Education Project 2006-2007 - Summary of Projects
Please note the summary of the CODE Special Education Projects completed in 2006-2007.
These charts provide a brief description of each project and identify contacts.
You will find this a useful reference in your planning.
06-07 Special Ed. Projects 1 (MS Word format). (English)
06-07 Special Ed. Projects 2 (MS Excel format). (English)
EETF: Response to Education Equity Task Force
A specific Position Paper on the Provincial Testing Program
A Paper on Information Technology
Download the postion paper.