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JKGrade 1 Assessment and Intervention Project

JKGrade 1 Assessment and Intervention Strategies CODE Monitoring Framework

The JKGrade 1 Assessment and Intervention Strategies CODE Monitoring Framework was designed to support system and school leaders in using and monitoring evidence-informed assessment and intervention strategies for students in JKGrade 1. It represents a synthesis of effective strategies and practices identified through the project.

Don't forget to explore the links throughout the monitoring framework pages to read some of the assessment and intervention strategies from our Ontario school boards and regions.

System Process/Organization Chart

Download Monitoring Framework (PDF)

Monitoring Framework Introduction

Monitoring Framework Introduction

Assessment and Intervention Strategies/Use of Data Chart

Assessment and Intervention Strategies/Use of Data

Parent Engagement and Community Collaboration Chart

Parent Engagement and Community Collaboration

Instructional Leadership Chart

Instructional Leadership

Professional Learning and Capacity Building Chart

Professional Learning and Capacity Building

System Process/Organization Chart

System Process/Organization