our experience
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Since 2005, the CODE Special Education Leadership Project has provided provincial, regional and district leadership in transforming special education programs and services. The project has developed a cadre of senior educational leaders with the ability to design system leadership plans that have the power to transform programs and services. The team implements design elements that remain resilient and sustainable over time.
At the district, regional and provincial levels, the leadership team provides services including:
- mentoring and coaching;
- monitoring;
- large-scale change design;
- project management;
- knowledge creation and mobilization planning;
- community and multidisciplinary collaboration processes;
- leadership capacity-building; and
- organizational change planning.
The leadership team uses a variety of methodologies, including:
- webinars and electronic journals;
- monitoring frameworks;
- guides for reflection about stages of implementation;
- collaborative teams;
- action research and reflective practice; and
- large- and small-scale symposia.