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Issue 10, June 2011

With contributions from the CODE Team, Bluewater District School Board, Christopher R. Bugaj, Peterborough Victoria, Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board, FrontRow Canada, HP Canada.


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Issue 8, October 2010

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Individual Sections

Cover and Contents (pg 1) [PDF-88kb]
Letter from the editors, list of contributors, and table of contents.

The JK–Grade 1 Assessment and Intervention Strategies Project: The View from the CODE Team (pg 2) [PDF-76kb]
This article provides a brief overview of the JK–Gr.1 Assessment and Intervention Strategies CODE project for 2009–2010.

Barrie Region Tackles the Assessment of the Four Cornerstones of Early Literacy Development (pg 2-3) [PDF-108kb]
This article highlights the Barrie Region's project process and focus on key predictors of success in early literacy development: oral language, phonological awareness, print awareness, and alphabet knowledge/letter recognition.

Une approche gagnante: la concertation des conseils scolaires dans un projet! (pg 3) [PDF-64kb]
C'est par la collaboration, le réseautage et le partage des connaissances qu'on reconnaît comment tous peuvent se mobiliser pour créer un outil indispensable afin d'améliorer nos pratiques et nos stratégies d'évaluation et d'intervention. Cet article fait le point sur le processus et ses réalisations-clés.

Regional Special Education Council (RSEC)–London Regional Office JK–Grade 1 Assessment and Intervention Strategies Project (pg 3-4) [PDF-104kb]
This article highlights the London Region boards' project processes related to data collection and information sharing through their RSEC. In order to help expedite the sharing of regional initiatives, RSEC members embarked on a regional document sharing project through the development of a regional website.

CODE Ottawa Regional Junior Kindergarten to Grade One Assessment and Intervention Learning Teams 2009–2010 (pg 4-5) [PDF-108kb]
This article focuses on the Ottawa regional learning team's approach, which permitted them to model collaborative inquiry and enhanced their collective responsibility through a professional learning community. Their sessions reflected research-informed and evidence-based practices, as well as shared philosophies, beliefs, and consistency of approaches to early learning across the region.

JK–Grade 1 Assessment and Intervention Framework Evidence Collection Summary North East Ontario (pg 5-6) [PDF-112kb]
Each Thunder Bay Region school board formed a project team to investigate the strategies and interventions currently being implemented in the schools within their board. This article describes their investigation of best practices and local issues in programming for JK–Grade1 students.

CODE Chronicles Thunder Bay Region CODE Special Education JK–Grade 1 Assessment and Intervention Strategies Project (pg 6) [PDF-84kb]
Each Thunder Bay Region school board formed a project team to investigate the strategies and interventions currently being implemented in the schools within their board. This article describes their investigation of best practices and local issues in programming for JK–Grade1 students.

Share, Reflect, and Collaborate: Experiences of Project Leads in the Greater Toronto Region (pg 6-7) [PDF-100kb]
This article focuses on the CODE JK–Grade 1 Assessment and Intervention Strategies project processes undertaken by the Greater Toronto Area boards. The key outcome of their regional project was to develop a self-reflective monitoring tool to capture effective evidence-informed assessment and intervention strategies for students in JK–Grade 1.

More issues of CODE Chronicles are available in the archive.

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All content © Council of Ontario Directors of Education