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Issue 10, June 2011

With contributions from the CODE Team, Bluewater District School Board, Christopher R. Bugaj, Peterborough Victoria, Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board, FrontRow Canada, HP Canada.


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Issue 10, June 2011

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Cover and Contents (pg 1) [PDF-147kb]
Letter from the editors, list of contributors, and table of contents.

CODE ISTE-HP Project: Exploring Technology Use in the 21st-Century Classroom (pg 2) [PDF-164kb]
This article details the Board's CODE ISTE project, in which they explored ways to offer access to technology to all students, whether at home or at school, and ways to provide professional development to staff through alternative methods other than face to face instruction. Their project goal a goal was to experience technology to help teachers differentiate instruction and to help develop professional development materials/experiences for teachers. They focused on Universal Design for Learning, existing software and online means for networking with students or teachers.

Universal Design for Learning for Adults in Online Courses (pg 2-3) [PDF-238kb]
This article explores the application of the underlying principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to adult learners. When conducting online professional development workshops, educators providing the training may use UDL principles to differentiate the experience for every learner. This provides as many options as possible for learners to experience the content, express what they have learned and have meaningful interactions. Along with text, professional developers might also consider providing audio clips, images, video clips, and an interactive simulation for learners to experience. Helpful web site examples are provided throughout the article.

Digital Student Profiles (pg 3) [PDF-119kb]
Board staff worked on a variety of projects that examined the Special Education Leaders role with technology, including research based strategies, online training and methods of integrating technology to improve teaching and learning. One successful project was the development of a Digital Student Profile. HP and ISTE® provided support through consultation, online conferencing, and a CD resource titled: "The Digital Briefcase for Administrators". This support assisted staff in acquiring the necessary skills to develop and design templates to meet Board needs. This Student Profile was originally developed for consultants to use at school resource team meetings, but has grown into an effective tool for all administrators.

HP-ISTE Professional Development Program (pg 3-4) [PDF-164kb]
This article describes how implementing initiatives based on the principles of universal design (UD) and sound field amplification can help make classrooms more conducive to hearing and listening for all. The author highlights the benefits of using sound field systems, including the fact that this technology has documented, peer-reviewed and published study results demonstrating positive academic results. It has evolved into one of the universal design strategies that is providing accessibility for many students across Canadian classrooms.

Accessibility Via All Modalities of Learning Is Critical for Success (pg 4) [PDF-94kb]
This article focuses on the need for leadership to emerge from within the K–12 education sector that can make meaning of, and actively facilitate, the work necessary to arrive at optimal academic outcomes for students by guiding allied professionals in health toward the incorporation of a strong, school-based, multi-dimensional mental health promotion effort to support student progress, as well as by building the capacity within schools to maximize these efforts.

Learning About the Life Cycle of Electronics (pg 4) [PDF-94kb]
How we choose, use and dispose of electronics may have tremendous impact on the environment. This article describes how Hewlett Packard (HP) is helping Canadian teachers address these issues with their students by co-developing learning resources and a database of peer-reviewed, classroom-ready resources that explore the environmental, social and economic aspects of sustainable development issues.

More issues of CODE Chronicles are available in the archive.

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