NewspaperCODE Chronicles - Les chroniques du CODE
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Issue 10, June 2011

With contributions from the CODE Team, Bluewater District School Board, Christopher R. Bugaj, Peterborough Victoria, Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board, FrontRow Canada, HP Canada.


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Issue 3, March 2009

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Individual Sections

Cover and Contents (pg 1) [PDF-1160kb]
Letter from the editors, list of contributors, and table of contents.

CODE Funds Support Professional Learning Communities in ALCDSB (pg 2) [PDF-68kb]
This article describes how this board developed professional learning communities (PLCs) which focused on early identification, differentiated instruction, and assessment as/for/of learning. Reporting templates were collected as data and included PLC agendas, instructional strategies discussed, types of data used to inform PLC dialogue, lessons learned, and artifacts to share with other schools.

Using the Web-Based Teaching Tool and An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement to Deliver a Tiered Approach to Early Intervention (pg 2-5) [PDF-131kb]
By using the Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario's Web Based Teaching Tool (WBTT) and Marie Clay's An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement, Senior Kindergarten and Grade One teachers throughout the board have been provided with a consistent means of collecting diagnostic and formative assessment data with regards to early literacy achievement. This article highlights the lessons learned in relation to the key elements of professional learning, instructional leadership, assessment, school and system organization, and communication. It includes encouraging data regarding improved student achievement and teacher capacity.

NEOSA's Assistive Technology Project (pg 6) [PDF-72kb]
NEOSA, a group of 12 individual school authorities spread over a large geographic area (from southern Georgian Bay to James Bay and from south of Algonquin Park to the eastern shore of Lake Superior) worked together to implement a computer-based assistive technology program in their schools, using four demonstration sites, a teacher-coach model, teacher training, and the purchase of hardware/software/peripherals. A partnership was also formed with the provincial demonstration schools for teacher training. Growth in student achievement was measured using the CASI assessment instrument as well as a locally developed student observation survey.

Four Questions to Focus, Change, and Transition Teacher Instructional Practice to Increase Student Achievement (pg 7) [PDF-65kb]
One of the roles of the supervisory officer is to develop a systematic evaluation of school effectiveness. This article details the four focus questions developed in this board for supervisory officer use on school visits to ensure that all staff analyze data to develop changes and implement strategies to modify instructional practice in order to increase student achievement.

Vivre l'inclusion au cycle moyen (pg 7-8) [PDF-96kb]
Cet article décrit comment favoriser la réussite de tous les élèves et plus particulièrement l'élève ayant des besoins particuliers selon un modèle d'inclusion. Vous lirez comment le plan stratégique mis en place comprenait des éléments clefs qui ont contribué à bâtir la capacité des enseignants et des enseignantes, à améliorer le rendement des élèves ayant des besoins particuliers et assurer sa réussite en salle de classe ordinaire

Corrective Reading and EmpowerTM (pg 8) [PDF-74kb]
WRDSB used their CODE project funding to build the capacity of their teachers to help struggling readers develop the skills and strategies for reading using two remedial reading programs—Corrective Reading and Empower. The Empower program is being offered in partnership with Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children. Following the initial training for both programs, teachers had ongoing support and coaching to deliver these programs to students, and student data was collected.

More issues of CODE Chronicles are available in the archive.

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