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CODE Chronicles Issue 9, January 2011: Full Version [PDF-588kb]*
Cover and Contents (pg 1) [PDF-112kb]
Letter from the editors, list of contributors, and table of contents.
Local Partnership; A Model for Children's Mental Health-Working Together to Reinforce All Partners (WRAP) Program (pg 2) [PDF-80kb]
This article describes a partnership which has been heralded as an example of a best practice in children's mental health service delivery. The cooperation and sharing of resources amongst Keystone Child Youth and Family Services, Bluewater District School Board Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board and the medical community through the WRAP program demonstrates the effective use of local partnerships and has led to the recognition of programs developed as best practices both provincially and nationally.
Healthy Minds, Healthy Lives; Developing and Enhancing School Based Programs for Student Mental Health (pg 2-3) [PDF-116kb]
This article outlines the efforts of the Trillium Lakelands District School Board and its partners in three geographic areas to coordinate people and resources to ensure that students in need of mental health support receive services they need. The article describes proactive and preventative mechanisms put in place for all students through universal screening, education and resources. The model for these services is based upon the Pyramid Response to Intervention concept already prevalent in school-based special education service delivery and the triage model already prevalent in many healthcare agencies.
Possibilities: Together Creating a Better Way (pg 3-4) [PDF-116kb]
This article describes work being done by educators from both the London District Catholic School Board and Thames Valley District School Board, in partnership with representatives from many of the children and youth mental health organizations in London/Middlesex, Elgin and Oxford as well as parent advocates, who gathered at the Possibilities Conference in 2009 to engage in dialogue and create shared meaning about how to serve children and youth impacted by mental health challenges and their families.
Des services spécialisés à l'appui des élèves au Conseil scolaire public du Grand Nord de l'Ontario (pg 4) [PDF-92kb]
Le conseil, en partenariat avec le Centre de l'enfant et de la famille, décrit comment des services de santé mentale et d'éducation permettent d'apporter un soutien à l'enfant favorisant ainsi son apprentissage et son succès. Les nombreux services sont décrits tout en partageant comment le conseil et les agences font équipe pour offrir des services complets.
Implementing Effective School Mental Health Initiatives: A Call for Leadership From the Educational Sector (pg 4-5) [PDF-148kb]
This article focuses on the need for leadership to emerge from within the K–12 education sector that can make meaning of, and actively facilitate, the work necessary to arrive at optimal academic outcomes for students by guiding allied professionals in health toward the incorporation of a strong, school-based, multi-dimensional mental health promotion effort to support student progress, as well as by building the capacity within schools to maximize these efforts.
Fittin' In: The Adolescent Social Society in Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board (pg 5-6) [PDF-140kb]
This article describes the Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board's Collaborative Service Delivery Model Project, which focused on student transitions. The board's goal was to identify factors leading to seamless transitions for students with autism spectrum disorder and to create a model for their schools in transitioning students. One successful spin-off of this project was the formation of a student-generated social group for young people aged 12 to 18 years of age. The purpose of the group was to bring together young people on the autism spectrum and "neurotypical" teenagers, to enable them to engage in activities and trips, and to provide a social network for the students.
Join the Conversation! The School-Based Mental Health and Substance Abuse Consortium Invites You to Engage in a National Dialogue about School Mental Health (pg 6) [PDF-80kb]
This article is a call to action from the School-Based Mental Health and Substance Abuse Consortium (SBMHSA) to engage educators and school district professionals in a national dialogue about school-based mental health. SBMHSA Consortium, a national team of scientists and practitioners who are gathering research and practice information about school-based mental health, have learned about many exciting initiatives across the country through a national best practices scan. This team has also begun to hear about the challenges of implementation, and will learn more about this through a national survey that will be launched this spring. As the Consortium begins to build a bank of information about school-based mental health that will ultimately be shared with Canadian educators, an invitation is extended to all Ontario school district professionals to join the growing national dialogue.
More issues of CODE Chronicles are available in the archive.
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