NewspaperCODE Chronicles - Les chroniques du CODE
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Issue 10, June 2011

With contributions from the CODE Team, Bluewater District School Board, Christopher R. Bugaj, Peterborough Victoria, Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board, FrontRow Canada, HP Canada.


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Issue 6, February 2010

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CODE Chronicles Issue 6, February 2010: Full Version [PDF-716kb]*

Individual Sections

Cover and Contents (pg 1) [PDF-268kb]
Letter from the editors, list of contributors, and table of contents.

CODE Special Education Project Update - JK-Grade 1 Assessment and Intervention Strategies (pg 2) [PDF-256kb]
This article outlines the purpose, goals, process and lead board role for the CODE JK to Grade 1 Assessment and Intervention Project currently underway in school districts across Ontario. This project is designed to support the development of a provincial overview of assessment and intervention strategies that reflects the expertise and experience of Ontario educators.

The Huron-Perth Catholic District School Board Embeds Assistive Technology and Differentiated Instruction Within Curriculum and Teacher In-service (pg 2) [PDF-256kb]
This article describes how this board, over the past 4 years, used differentiated instruction, universal design and assistive technology as key strategies to support students with special needs, particularly learning disabled students. Classroom teachers received training and support and learned to use assistive technology not only to support students with IEPs, but all students in their classroom.

Les conseils scolaires de langue française s'engagent dans un processus collectif pour la réalisation du projet du CODE (pg 3) [PDF-96kb]
Cet article décrit la démarche entreprise par les conseils scolaires de langue française. Il souligne l'impact de ce projet pour les éducateurs et éducateurs impliqués dans cette initiative.

The IDEA Partnership-Collaboration to Improve Outcomes for Students with Special Needs (pg 4) [PDF-96kb]
This article highlights a special education resource web site created by the IDEA partnership in the United States. IDEA Partnership members are interested in sharing information about improving outcomes for students with special education needs.

More issues of CODE Chronicles are available in the archive.

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