Assessment and Intervention/Use of Data Strategies are:
Analyzed with Team or Case Studies
- The Teacher Learning and Leadership Project in the Thunder Bay Region engaged teachers in problem-based inquiry with students. Student work was tracked over time. The project involved team planning and implementation as well as team dialogue and reflection about outcomes and next steps. [Thunder Bay Region Final Report]
- Bruce Grey Catholic District School Board used the Primary Assessment Battery to assess kindergarten and grade one student achievement, and implemented the Oral Language Reading and Oral Language Writing strategies in kindergarten and grade one as intervention strategies. These strategies focus on the development of thinking skills and provide a bridge to reading and writing. Carmel Crévola modeled the strategies and supported teachers in understanding how to implement them in daily practice, using ongoing assessments to adjust small group instruction. Teams were established to examine data and plan next steps for two of their at-risk students (i.e., students who were not meeting targets). Teachers came together in school teams (principal, coach, kindergarten and grade one teachers). Small schools partnered with another school and sometimes all schools met together to deepen their understanding, examine data, plan next steps, and reflect on practice. [Bruce Grey Catholic District School Board Final Report]
- Students in Toronto District School Board were assessed in the context of their learning as part of an inquiry investigation on assessment for learning in oral language development. In this project, video documentation was used to capture a range of student behaviours related to oral language. This documentation was analyzed by a team of kindergarten teachers, instructional leaders, child care personnel, a parenting worker, speech-language pathologist, special education consultant and principal. Recommendations for next steps in student learning were enhanced by involving a diverse group of professionals in the data analysis. [Toronto and Area Region Final Report]