Assessment and Intervention/Use of Data Strategies are:
- The London Region reported that boards use a data warehouse, with input three times per year. Data walls are updated monthly, and for students at risk, the information is updated bi-weekly. There is a continuous cycle of assessment, intervention and review. [London Region Final Report]
- The boards in North Bay/Sudbury Region worked together to develop a common guide to assessment and intervention, "A Generic Framework Based on Cross-Region Strategies". The guide stresses the need for a continuous cycle of assessment, intervention and re-assessment: (1) Administer a research-based assessment and record baseline data for the student in a central collection site. (2) A team of education partners analyzes the data, setting achievable and measurable goals for each at-risk student. (3) Interventions are determined and implemented to target the goals and help students develop skills that will allow them to demonstrate improved achievement. (4) Monitor the ongoing progress of students receiving intervention instruction by administering reliable, valid and brief assessments repeatedly. (5) Individualize interventions for students who continue to struggle; provide more intense, targeted interventions and additional assessments to clarity the exact difficulty; and have all intervening partners analyze the data. Continue careful monitoring of student progress. (6) If the student has not responded to the interventions that have been well implemented for a sufficient period of time, a team of professionals and the student's parents participate in a decision-making process to determine eligibility for special education services. [North Bay/Sudbury Region Final Report]